Sunday Schedule

8:00 Holy Eucharist

  • An intimate and quiet service.

  • No music and "King James" worship language.

  • Popular with folks who grew up Anglican, those who prefer quieter services, and those who prefer a shorter service.

  • Followed by Coffee Talk.

10:00 Holy Eucharist

  • A lively gathering around God's Table!

  • Music from many different traditions, led by an Adult Choir and the Children's Choirs.

  • Preschool to second grade are invited to a special liturgy in the children’s chapel during the sermon.

  • Followed by Children’s & Youth Formation and Adult Formation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I get there?
Get directions to St. Paul & the Redeemer.

Is there parking?
Yes! We have a parking lot on the east side of our building. Enter from 50th street. There is also usually ample street parking on Blackstone Ave.

What should I wear?
Some people come in shorts. Some people come in suits. Most people come in something in between. If it's comfortable for you and respectful to others, then you're wearing the right thing.

What do I do? When do I stand? Which hymnal do you use?
Every liturgy at SPR uses a printed bulletin that contains the words to say, the music to sing, and even directions for when to stand, sit, kneel, etc. Some services will also use the Book of Common Prayer, with page numbers and instructions clearly indicated during worship. We sing music from a variety of sources, including (but not limited to) the Hymnal 1982 and Lift Every Voice and Sing II. Preview a bulletin.

Are children welcome?
Children are very welcome, and we invite them to participate actively in the service. 

  • We've collected wisdom from parents about helping children participate in worship. Read our Tips for Parents.

  • During the sermon at the 10:00 service, we invite kids to their own special liturgy at Children's Chapel. They return for the celebration of communion.

  • Finally, we're equipped for kids. You'll find coloring pages, crayons, and picture books at the doors. We also have changing tables in some restrooms and the downstairs nursery.

Is there Sunday school?
Yes. Read more about

I don't want to stick out!
You won't. SPR is a community that expects new folks, and on every Sunday, there are quite a few individuals and families who are new. We guarantee you won't be made to feel like you're the only one in the room no one knows.

Can I receive Communion?
Yes. Everyone, without exception, is invited to receive Communion.