Kids’ Choirs

Our music programs are open to all. Please contact the director of the choir to sign your child up.

Why Join a Choir?

Singing in a choir is one of the most rewarding experiences available at SPR: 

  • You join make friends in a group fun-loving fellow singers.

  • You get in-depth understanding of our music and liturgy.

  • You are expertly supported as you stretch and improve your musical and leadership skills.

  • You provide an invaluable service to your fellow parishioners.

The St. Nicholas Choir

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
This choir provides a solid foundation for the youngest singers to learn both the skills and a love for singing beautiful music. The St. Nicholas Choir sings at the 9:15 liturgy about once every three Sundays.

Thursdays 6:00—6:30p in the Sanctuary
See the current Choir Calendar.

Megan Cather, Children’s Music Assistant: | (773) 450-0304

The SPR Choristers

For children and young people in 3rd Grade and higher
SPR Choristers help lead our music at the 10:00 AM liturgy with the Adult Choir every Sunday, and prepare anthems to sing on their own about once a month.

SPR Choristers develop valuable musical skills and self-confidence in the public arena through their regular leadership in worship, and they have access to additional musical instruction, using the Royal School of Church Music’s Voice for Life training scheme.

Every Sunday @ the 10:00 AM service
call times are 9:00 AM in the St. Cecilia Room downstairs.

Thursdays 6:00–7:30p
with a short snack break ca. 6:55, then joined by the Adult Choir, in the St. Cecilia Room downstairs.

Annual Travel Weekend
date and destination TBA—In recent years, the Choristers have traveled to another church within a day’s drive of Chicago to partner with another choir for a weekend of music-making, exploring, and socializing. Parents are welcome to accompany their children, but chaperones are also planned for. Financial assistance is available in case of need. This season’s destination is still to be determined.

Musicianship training
Choristers learn lots about music-making, leadership, theology, and worship in regular rehearsal time, but they also have access to one-on-one and small-group instruction in musicianship with the Director of Music and other knowledgeable teachers through the Royal School of Church Music’s Voice for Life training scheme. Weekday sessions can be arranged at convenient times by contacting the Director of Music once they’ve joined the Choristers.

Special Choral Events

The SPR Choristers learn exciting music for several liturgical events throughout the season, including

  • Haïti Sunday (Sep 25)

  • Classical mass for All Saints’ Sunday (Nov 6)

  • Christmas Eve (Family Service @ 5p)

  • Jazz mass for Carnival Sunday (Feb 19)

  • Maundy Thursday (Apr 6) and Easter (Apr 9)

  • Trinity Sunday (Jun 4)

Mark Bilyeu, Director of Music:| (773) 624-3185 x223