Dear people of SPR,
After many conversations with the vestry and staff, I have made the difficult decision to postpone our return to in-person worship. Our parish reopening plan includes several criteria for resuming services in our building, one of which is a sustained decline in new COVID-19 infections. Since we are not yet seeing this decline, we will keep worship online through the month of August. I hope you will join us on Facebook or YouTube this Sunday at 10am for Morning Prayer.
But do not despair! Although the building is still closed, the church remains very much open, and SPR's leaders have been incredibly creative in thinking about ways to build community even while we cannot gather in large groups for worship. Subscribe to our weekly e-News to learn more about ways to get involved in online or socially distanced small groups, and opportunities for gathering in small numbers for outdoor worship.
I am, to put it very mildly, disappointed to be making this decision, but I am also feeling excited about all the possibilities for creative ministry and fellowship that lie before us. As always, God will find a way to work for good through any set of circumstances; and, as always, SPR will find a way to be dynamic, flexible, and joyful through it all.