Hymn Vote

You get to help choose our music for this special day. If you're not sure how a hymn goes, try searching for it on YouTube.

Pick 3 Hymns:
A Mighty Fortress is Our God0%
All Creatures of Our God and King0%
Amazing Grace0%
Be Thou My Vision0%
Blessed Assurance0%
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing0%
Crown Him with Many Crowns0%
Earth and All Stars0%
Every Time I Feel the Spirit0%
God is Love0%
God Will Take Care of You0%
Holy, Holy, Holy0%
How Great Thou Art0%
I've Got a Feeling Everything's Gonna Be All Right0%
In Christ There Is No East or West0%
Joyful, Joyful0%
Just a Closer Walk with Thee0%
Just As I Am0%
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms0%
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling0%
O God, Our Help in Ages Past0%
O Zion Haste (Publish Glad Tidings)0%
Praise to the Lord0%
Precious Lord, Take My Hand0%
Rock of Ages0%
Softy and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling0%
Spirit of the Living God0%
Standin' in the Need of Prayer0%
There Is a Balm in Gilead0%
There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in This Place0%

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