Haiti Partnership - 2024 Update

St. Paul & the Redeemer has a decades-long friendship with several communities in Haiti. We currently work with St. Patrick's, an Episcopal congregation in Tom Gateau, which is southwest of Port-au-Prince in the beautiful mountains of southern Haiti. Read on to learn about most recent updates about our joint initiatives with St. Patrick’s.

Every Lent, SPR raises money to help pay the salaries of St. Patrick's dedicated and talented teachers.

Teachers of St. Patrick’s

Teacher Carline teaching the alphabets.

Professor Marvens teaching about the need for a healthy environment.


Music Program at St. Patrick’s

Recorder Class

St Patrick band leading the processional at the feast day of St Etienne.

Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Patrick

The service on the Feast Day

Preparing to celebrate their feast day.

The Delly Benson piece that the SPR choir sang on Haiti Sunday

The Music Band



Ways to give:

  1. Give online.

  2. Write a check to St. Paul & the Redeemer, with “Haiti” in the memo line.

  3. Give by credit card on Haiti Sunday or by calling the church office: 773-624-3185.


Get Connected

To get involved with our Haiti partnership, contact the Haiti team leaders: Gail Williams (gwilli8787@aol.com) or Linda Thisted (linda@socraticmedia.com).