Palm Sunday | April 10
8:00 am Rite I | Simple Service
9:15 & 11:15 am | Choral Service with Palm Procession
We will enact the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
with a procession led by bagpipes and waving palm leaves at 9:15 and 11:15 am.

Maundy Thursday | April 14
5:30 pm | Family-friendly Supper and Service
7:30 pm | Supper and Choral Service
We will wash each other’s feet and share in Eucharist and a Lenten meal.
RSVP at sprchicago.org/holy-week

Good Friday | April 15
11:00 am | Stations of the Cross
Noon | Good Friday Service (with staff singers)
7:30 pm | Good Friday Service (with full choir)
We commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ in this solemn service.

Great Vigil of Easter | April 16
9:00 pm | The Great Vigil of Easter
On this night, we come together to celebrate the mighty acts of creation
and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, through word and song.
Dessert reception to follow.

Easter day | April 17
8:00 am Rite I | Simple Service
9:15 & 11:15 am | Festive Choral Service with brass quartet
Easter Play by children at 9:15 am and egg hunt in the garden at 10:20 am.
Potluck during coffee hour.
Sign up for potluck at sprchicago.org/holy-week